Order Form for a
Child and Adolescent EMDR Training

Fill this out if you are ordering training for someone else.

( Required fields are marked with * )
NHS Trust or Employer Name: *
NHS Trust or Employer Invoice Address: *
Country and Postal Code *
Your name *
Your email: * NOTE: The invoice will be sent to this email
Your title
Your phone number *
Alternate contact information include name, email and phone number

Are you a NHS Trust?
Is Child Trauma Therapy Centre already an approved vendor for your Trust?
Upload or email the Vendor Application
Please put PO# in the email subject line.

Which training(s) do you need to order?

• Level 1 - Child & Adolescent EMDR Training
• Level 2 - Child & Adolescent EMDR Training
Total cost ( £330 each, excluding VAT)
Do you have a Purchase Order (PO) Number? *
It’s best if you can provide a PO at this step. But if you need an invoice to generate a PO, we will email you one when you submit this form. After we get your PO, we will email you an amended invoice. Therapists cannot attend a training until payment is received.
Provide a Purchase Order that matches this total: *
Upload or email the Purchase Order document?
Please put PO# in the email subject line.

Level 1 Attendees: Please provide the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of each known employee you are sending to a Level 1 training. Attendees must have completed Part 1 of an EMDR training.
Level 2 Attendees: Please provide the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of each known employee you are sending to a Level 2 training. Attendees must have completed Part 1 & Part 2 of an EMDR training, and Level 1 Child & Adolescent EMDR Training.

Post any additional comments or questions here.
After you submit this, we will send you an invoice at the email you have provided. If you do not receive an invoice within 2 business days, please contact us.
After your invoice is paid, we’ll email you prepaid Coupon Codes to give your therapists. They can use these codes to book any available upcoming training. Please note, Coupon Codes expire one year after issue date.